2025 - Registration Form
Indoor Soccer, 11 weeks, Dec. 10 - $126
Competitive Volleyball, 10 weeks, Jan. 9 - $115
Intermediate Volleyball, 10 weeks, Jan. 9 - $115
Rec Volleyball (Non-Spiking), 11 weeks, Dec. 11 - $126
Floor Hockey, 10 weeks, Dec. 13 - $115
Pickleball Mondays, 10 weeks, Dec. 2 - $115
Pickleball Thursdays, 11 weeks, Dec. 12 - $126
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Yes I acknowledge that I have read the BRSC Concussion Management Protocol.
Yes I acknowledge that I have read the BRSC Discrimination and Harassment policies.
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in recreational sports activities organized by the Bolton Recreational Sports Club (BRSC), understanding and accepting the inherent risks involved, including potential bodily injury, property damage, and exposure to illnesses or diseases. In consideration of my participation, I hereby release, waive, and discharge BRSC, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or rights of action, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. I also agree to indemnify and BRSC harmless from any claims, expenses, or liabilities arising from my participation. I consent to necessary medical treatment in case of injury or illness and grand BRSC permission to use media representations of me for promotional purposes. This agreement is governed by the laws of Ontario, and I have read and understood its terms, voluntarily waiving certain legal rights by checking the box above.
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